Customer Testimonials

Just would like to take time to compliment you on your product, We have tried Chicken korma, & Tika Masala,Both extremely good flavours, Also the pouch on the side of the packet is a nice bonus, With the fold-out being in a large letter type making it easy to read when you are in the kitchen cooking,

Cheers Nigel

New Zealand

I bought your product for the first time a couple of weeks ago. It was the Korma sauce sachet & spices. It was fabulous! The meal was quick & easy to prepare, & the sauce & spice mix was perfect for me. I will be looking to buy it again. Many thanks.

Sincerely, Jenny Karp

New Zealand

We just wanted to email in and say how much we really like your Authentic Simmer Sauce Collection!  We've been a fan of Indian food for a long time and this is the best off the self product we have found!  :) Thanks for a delicious product!


Moala Withey & Family

New Zealand

My daughter recently held a family birthday dinner. She is a fan of butter chicken and this time she made her own instead of buying takeouts. It was the best tasting butter chicken I have ever tasted so I asked her about it. It was your Taste of India Butter Chicken simmer sauce. I have bought some of my own now, as well as the Chicken Korma which I plan to make tonight. The price is quite reasonable too, and good to have the recipe leaflet and spices as well. Well done, Taste of India!


Bob Knox

New Zealand

Just love Indian food, ..Great recipe's here too:). I ordered a few sauces from Taste of indian foods last week. It was more than expected. The recipes are amazing, just the right blend of everything.


New Zealand

A few days ago, I took butter chicken sauce for the first time. First I doubted, then bought as I am a lover of Indian foods. I wanted to make special chicken for my daughter. My daughter liked it and I too found fabulous. Thank you.


United Kingdom

I had Indian foods for the first during my outing with friends and found fabulous. I wanted to try cooking Indian dishes myself. I bought mango chicken sauce for my chicken curry. Wow, it was wonderful! Cheers, Taste of Indian Foods!



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